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Disregard Females Acquire Currency Parodies Rap Music

Very popular Archaic Rap meme parodies rap song by Ya Boy

Archaic Rap shirts like this are always hilarious. The self portrait of 17th century painter Joseph Ducreux is funny in it's own right but the Old English version of gritty rap songs make this popular internet meme a huge success.

The trick to the Archaic Rap meme is finding out what song the design is a parody of. Can you tell what song our Disregard Females Acquire Currency design is a parody of?

Disregard Females Acquire Currency shirts look great on either light or dark colors so you can select over 15 different color and style combinations.

Our Disregard Females Acquire Currency shirts are a hilarious addition to any t-shirt collection and are a lot of fun to own.

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Disregard Females Acquire Currency
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Disregard Females Acquire Currency
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