Paddle Faster
I Hear Banjos Recalls "Deliverance"
Funny t-shirt for "Deliverance" fans. Paddle Faster I Hear Banjos is a great t-shirt for canoe sportsmen or pig callers.
Paddle Faster I Hear Banjos is one of our hottest selling t-shirts on the
site. It's an instant classic that reminds us all that
canoeing in the mountains should be done swiftly and
with high powered weapons.
For years now, the movie Deliverance has scarred mankind with nightmarish squeals echoing through hillbilly mountains. Our Paddle Faster I Hear Banjos shirt is actually good therapy for those who suffer from fear of canoe adventures.
Paddle Faster I Hear Banjos is a hilarious t-shirt
design that looks terrific on just about any color t-shirt
and belongs in anyone's collection.